10 Things To Add To Your Shampoo For Accelerated Hair Growth

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Are you looking for accelerated hair growth? Then, adding natural oils, herbs and additional ingredients to your store-bought or DIY shampoo will promote hair growth. They will provide nutrients to the scalp in order to promote growth. In addition, they will extend the anagen phase of the hair life cycle which is the growth phase. Therefore, your hair grows out for a longer period of time. Lastly, it will treat any scalp issues such as dandruff, itchy scalp, psoriasis, among others, that may be hindering your hair growth. Thus, adding thing things to your shampoo will improve your hair growth and the overall health of your hair.


Add these 10 ingredients to your shampoo to encourage hair growth:

1. Aloe Vera: 

Aloe vera is regularly used in natural hair community to add moisture, strength, and lustre to your hair. In this instance, it will promote hair growth.

1. Add a couple of table spoons of aloe vera to your shampoo. You can dice it small so that it will dissolve into the shampoo.
2. Shake well, then apply to your scalp and work it in.

The minerals from the aloe vera will treat our scalp and hair problems such as dandruff, dry scalp or oily scalp. The treatment will allow us to have a healthy scalp thus healthy hair growth.


2. Castor Oil: 

Castor oil is known as the oil to strengthen and grow your natural hair at a very fast rate. So, why not use it in our shampoo?

1. Add 2 – 3 tablespoons of castor oil to your shampoo.
2. Shake well, then use it.

The growth ingredient in castor oil will help the scalp to produce more sebum needed to moisturise the new growth so you can retain it.

3. Rose Water: 

Another ingredient that is full of a variety of vitamins, and minerals.

1. Add 5 drops to your shampoo.
2. Shake well, then apply to scalp, and massage it in.

The rose water will promote hair growth because it creates the environment for a healthy scalp. Hence, it balances your hair and scalp’s PH balance. In addition, it prevents and treats any scalp issues that your hair may be suffering from because of its antiseptic properties.


4. Amla Oil: 

This is also known as Indian Gooseberry. This ingredient has made waves in the natural hair community because of its excellent properties. It prevents premature greying, thickens hair, and adds lustre. In addition, it encourages hair growth.

1. Add 2 tablespoons of Amla oil to your shampoo.
2. Mix well, then use it.

The Amla oil will encourage hair growth by treating scalp conditioning such as dandruff which may be hindering your hair growth.


5. Honey:

All-natural honey is a natural emollient which improves the health of our hair follicles.

1. Mix two tablespoons of (raw) honey to your shampoo.
2. Mix well, and use it for your shampoo your hair.

Honey contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that treat infections on the scalp. Therefore, it keeps the scalp healthy in order for growth to occur.

6. Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice or lemongrass oil can be added to your shampoo. Lemon juice contains citric acid and vitamin c which is a natural cleansing and exfoliating agent. Thus, excess oil and product build-up will be removed from the scalp.

1. Mix ½ teaspoon of lemon juice or 5 drops of lemongrass oil in your shampoo.
2. Shake well, and apply shampoo to your hair.

Lemon juice contains anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that will remove scalp infections such as dandruff, psoriasis. Thus, the scalp is able to breathe without any disease hindering its growth.


7. Glycerin:

I know you may be sceptical about this ingredient. But, glycerin assists in the hair growth process.

1. Add 2 tablespoons of glycerine to your shampoo
2. Mix well, and use it.

Glycerin helps to lock in moisture therefore, it will keep our scalp moisture and hydrated. Hence, sebum will be produced in order to coat the upcoming new growth in order to sustain the life of it.


8. Sugar:

Although the intake of sugar may be bad for our bodies, it is good for our scalp.

1. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar your shampoo.
2. Mix well, and apply the shampoo to your scalp.

The sugar will remove all the dirt, derby, product build-up and dead skin cells that you accumulated from your scalp. Thus, leaving your scalp clean and healthy. This is a great environment for hair to thrive in.

9. Essential Oils:

Essential oils are potent oils that have a variety of benefits. Examples of these oils are lavender, peppermint, rosemary, and tea-tree.

1. Add 3 to 5 drops of any or all the oils into your shampoo.
2. Shake well and apply to the scalp.

Their benefits include treating scalp conditions, commonly known as dandruff, or dry scalp. In addition, it stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles to make your hair grow strong and healthy.


10. Carrier Oils:
Carriers oils are oils that essential oils need to be diluted into in order to reduce their potency. They are the regular oils that we use, for example, castor olive oil. Some of the oils are known to rejuvenate the scalp of your hair and can be used.

1. Mix any amount of your favourite natural oil to your shampoo.
2. Shake well, and apply to scalp, then work it in.

Massaging the mixture onto your scalp will stimulate its benefits. For example, sweet almond oil will strengthen your new growth so that it keeps growing. In addition, jojoba oil is the only oil that is similar to the natural oil produced by our scalp, which is sebum, Thus, it encourages sebum production which promotes hair growth. Another oil is olive oil which stimulates hair follicles and reduces excessive shedding.
So, start adding any or all of these ingredients to your shampoo and enjoy your hair growth. What else do you add to your shampoo for hair growth? Or, do you have any success stories of the ones stated above?

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