How to grow your natural hair with rice water

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Whether you are a new or old natural, I’m sure you have had heard of rice water rinses. This is a technique that has been buzzing around within the natural hair community because it promotes hair growth. In addition, it provides a myriad of other benefits that will improve the overall health of your curls. The fermented rice water has been mainly used by women from China, Japan and South East Asia. It is a traditional custom used to maintain their black colour of their hair and the length of it. The Yao women believe that having long hair is a sign of good health, good fortune and longevity. They only cut their hair once which is when they are old enough to be wed.

So, what are the benefits of it? A Japanese study in 2010 showed indicated that some of the benefits from this fermented water are that it decreases surface friction as well as improves the elasticity of your hair. The fermented rice water is rice water that has gone slightly sour. However, it is filled with many antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Rinsing your hair with the water brings more than just growth to it. It improves the sheen, softness, strength, cleanses the hair without drying it out thus improving the overall health of your mane.

Here’s a breakdown of the nutrients in the water:
Folic Acid – This is also known as vitamin B9. This nutrient which can also come from fruits and vegetables is known to improve the thickness and strength of your hair strands.

Vitamin K – As we get older our skulls harden or become calcified. This calcification process can affect our hair follicles thus causing hair loss. However, vitamin k removes calcium build up from the follicle so that it may release keratin for growth.

Magnesium – Magnesium helps to dissolve the calcium build up on your scalp and hair that you may have received from washing your hair with hard water. Thus, the follicles will be able to breathe in order to be nourished and promote hair growth.

Pitera yeast – Traces of pitera yeast are found in the fermented rice water. This unique yeast has anti-ageing properties for their hair. It helps to regenerate the scalps to promote hair growth.

Thiamine – B1, another name for Thiamine, is the vitamin that is known to reverse hair loss through stress relief. So if you are a highly stressed individual which causes your hair to suffer as a result, the rinses are a great option for me. The vitamin will reduce hair loss, and give your hair shine and bounce.

Niacin – Niacin once applied directly to the scalp is known to improve the scalp. It will improve your dull, weak and dry hair by promoting blood circulation to your scalp in order to repair the hair follicles cells as well as reduce scalp inflammation.

Selenium – Selenium destroys the yeast that is responsible for causing dandruff within our scalp which is called Malassezia. Thus, dandruff will be avoided.

Saponins – Saponins work as mild cleansers, therefore, they will cleanse the scalp of the dirt and debris. In addition, it softens the curls and stimulates growth.

Amino Acids – As we all know amino acids are the building blocks for protein. The fermented rice water contains 16% protein, therefore it is great as a protein treatment to strengthen your hair and smooth the cuticles.

Inositol – This is one of the ingredients in the water which is a carbohydrate. This ingredient improves the hair’s elasticity thus protecting from damaged. Therefore, the hair is stronger, flexible and manageable.

How To Make Rice Water Rinses:
Ingredients Needed:

1. Quarter Cup of Rice
2. 2 Cups of Distilled Water
3. Saucepan
4. Strainer
5. Container
6. Applicator Bottle/Spray Bottle
7. 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil (or any other essential oil of your choice)
8. 5 drops of Lavender Oil

Method Used:
1. Cleanse the rice in water, until the water is clear. Then, discard of the water.
2. Add rinsed rice to water into a saucepan. Then, bring it to a boil.
3. Turn off the stove. Then, extract the water from the rice using a strainer into a container.
4. After the rice water is cool, pour it into your applicator bottle.
5. Store in a room temperature environment for 1- 2 days or until it’s fermented.
6. Pour the water into a saucepan again to stop fermentation. You will know when it’s
fermenting or fermented when the water is looking cloudy and not moving when shaken.
7. Then, pour rice water into a bowl.
8. Boil 5 cups of water to dilute the rice water.
9. Add your array of essential oils.
10. Let it cool.
11. Finally, pour into an applicator bottle.

Application of The Water:
Firstly, cleanse your hair with a sulphate free shampoo. Then, condition to detangle your curls. Next, use your applicator or spray bottle to apply the water to your scalp as well as your curls. Ensure to work in the water my massaging your scalp and coating your hair with it using the preying hands method. Additionally, you can place a plastic cap over your hair for 30 – 60 minutes if you desire. Then, rinse and style as usual.

If you want to improve the optimal health of your hair, try a rice water rinse. If this is done on a consistent basis, then you will be able to see dramatic results. For example, if you cook rice two to three times a week, you should be able to collect enough rice water for two to three rice-water hair washes. Thus, you will be able to see the change in your curls, hair’s elasticity, thickness and growth.

This rinse has been tried and tested by the Yao women who you have seen the benefits through the length, colour and thickness of their hair. In addition, youtubers have received great results from it. Have you ever tried to use rice water as a rinse for your natural hair? Please let us know in the comments.

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