10 Defining Hair Products That Will Make Your Curls POP!

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If you are a natural, then I am sure you have pondered about the many curl definers you are going to try or use to prep your hairstyle. These products emphasize the curl pattern of your hair, or the style whether you are 4a, 4b or 4c. Here are the best 10 curl defining agents for natural hair:

1. Kinky Curly Curling Custard

Kinky Curly Curling Custard has been raved about by many naturals. It is a thick product that emphasizes your curl pattern without having the hard consistency of regular jells. It is great for wash and gos and braid outs. However, it may be costly.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

2. Curls Blueberry Bliss Curl Control Jelly

This is another pricey product in the natural hair market. The product is of a thick consistency and smells amazing. It is advertised as a gel to give you sleek edges, however, it can be used as a curl defining agent. Some naturals use it to style their twist/braid outs as well as lays your edges.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

3. As I am Coil Defining Jelly


This is another thick product that you can try. It is great for wash and gos, twist outs, braid outs and many more styles. It will have your curls defined, moisturized and shiny.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

4. Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Curling Cream

Based on the name alone one would think that it won’t be a great defining agent because it says cream, however, you’re wrong. This cream has a thick consistency with a great smell. In addition, a little goes a long way when you are styling your hair. It is a great product for transitionners who wear twist-outs/braids-outs a lot.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

5. Camille Rose Naturals Curl Marker

Another highly raved about product within the community receiving a number of positive reviews. The curl marker has a soft consistency but a strong hold. It is long-lasting because a little goes a long way. Lastly, it is great for wash and gos.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

6. Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie

This is many naturals holy grail so you can understand the greatness of this product. It is a great product for all hair types. I suggest using the product sparingly or else you will have a residue after applying a lot.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

7. Hydratherma Aloe Curl Enhancing Twisting Cream

This is a new product on the market released by hydratherma. If you have used Aloe Vera in your hair then you know that it defines your curl, therefore you will not be disappointed by this product. Not only does it enhance your curls, it moisturizes it as well as promotes sheen.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

8. Beautiful Textures Curl Defining Mousse

You may be familiar with mousses for roller and perm rods, however, it can be used for wash and gos once mastered. The consistency is foam liquid and won’t weigh your hair down when applied. Overall, it is a great product.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

9. Design Essentials Cream Gel

This curl definer has a thick consistency. And, a little goes a very long way. It is recommended when you are using this product, to pair it with a butter for maximum definition.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

10. Eco Styler Gel

As a natural if you have not tried this product, then you need to. Eco styler gel has different types such as olive oil, argan oil, krystal, sports gel, and many others. It is many natural holy grails because it really emphasizes your curl patterns. This gel has chemicals in there so ensure to moisturize your curls before. It is great for twist outs, braid outs, sleek buns, frohawks and many other hairstyles.

Get it from Amazon, HERE

Go out and get your curl defining agents for your wash and gos, twist/braid outs, roller and perm rods! What products do you use to define your curls?

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