8 Tips on How To Grow Long 4C Hair Type

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4C hair is deemed as kinkiest pattern in the within the type 4 spectrum. It is more of a tight S as opposed to a looser Z and S pattern for 4a. In addition, I am sure that you have heard that it doesn’t grow either. This is where you are wrong. Every hair type grows a maximum of ½ inch every month, therefore 4c hair does.

Here are 8 tips that you can incorporate in your hair regimen to grow your 4c hair:

1. Moisturize:

You can moisturize your 4c hair using the LOC method or a moisturizer. First, the moisture should be water based to ensure that water is being added to your hair shaft. Secondly, if you opt to do the LOC method you would need liquid, oil and a cream. The liquid can be water, aloe vera juice as well as rose water. Next, the oil can be any oil of your choice whether jojoba, avocado, or olive. Lastly, use a cream. 4c hair likes heavy butters such as shea or mango butter would be great.

Be extra gentle when manipulating your hair.4c hair is the most fragile hair type. Therefore, be careful when combing, detangling and moisturizing the hair. Thus breakage, tangles, single strand knots and split ends will be reduced.

2. Finger detangling:

You want to detangle your hair while it is soaked with water and conditioner. The conditioner makes it easy for your fingers to glide through each section as opposed to when its dry. In addition, your fingers are the best tool because you are able to feel your tangles and safely pull it apart instead of the comb snagging on it.

3. Wear protective styles:

Remember that 4c hair is delicate so protective styles will prevent you from manipulating your hair constantly. Less manipulation will allow you to retain more length and moisture, therefore, reducing breakage. You can wear styles such as twists, cornrows, braids, etc.

4. Use moisturizing conditioners and deep conditioners:

When buying these products, moisture should be your top concern, therefore, water should be the first ingredient in the product.  Moisture comes from water; therefore, your hair will be and stay moisturized. Once the hair is moisturized you will be able to promote growth as well as retain your length. When deep conditioning, ensure to use indirect heat with a plastic bag or hot head deep conditioning cap. The heat will penetrate the hair cuticles by raising them and allowing the moisture to seep in. Then, wash with cold water to close the cuticles so that the moisture stays in.

5. Use a sulfate free shampoo:

Use shampoos that do not contain mineral oil, parabens and sulphates. These ingredients will draw out all of the moisture in your hair as well as the natural oils that are needed to promote growth. Therefore, they contribute to dry lack of dryness. Use products that will cleanse the hair but also keep it moisturized.

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6. Use Oils:

Oils help to promote growth, shine and lock in moisture. Coating the hair with oils for moisturizing, when styling, prepooing and hot oil treatments you will see a change in the length you retain because there will be less breakage. You can use oils such as coconut, castor, extra virgin olive and avocado oil.

7. Wear low manipulation hairstyles:

 Wearing low manipulation styles such as twist outs, braid outs, two strand twists, bantu knots, cornrows. These styles are ideal because there is less opportunity for the hair to become tangled therefore there is less breakage. In addition, the hair will not be rubbing against your clothes, therefore, moisture will not be loss and breakage will not occur.
8. Love your hair:

Yes, love your 4c hair. Stop hating your hair because you have 4c because it is just as beautiful as the other types. In addition, don’t hair envy or compare your hair to another’s hair type.

I hope these tips will help your 4c hair grow to your desired length. Ladies, what are the tips that you use to grow your 4c hair?

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