Top 7 Of The Best Oils For Natural Hair

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There is a list of oils that naturals can choose from to use in their hair. However, they serve different purposes such as moisture, sealing, growth, sheen and a lot more. With the variety of oils that are accessible to us, it is difficult to choose from the array. As well as, to know what will work best for our hair. In this article, I will be sharing the best oils that you can use in your natural hair.

1. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is one of the best oils to use because it is similar to the sebum produced by our scalp. It is very high in monounsaturated fats as well as vitamins.  When applied to the scalp it helps to produce natural sebum to promote growth and moisturize the new growth. Therefore, it will strengthen our hair follicles. Another benefit of this oil is that it can treat dandruff due to its antibacterial properties.

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2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is many natural’s holy grail because not only is good for the body, it is good for our hair as well. Coconut oil can penetrate the hair shaft and moisturize the hair strands. It contains vitamin e and lauric acid. The oil is great for reducing frizz, promoting sheen, and moisturizing the hair.

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3. Almond Oil

Almond oil is a bit thicker, and it has saturated and monosaturated fats. It is a great oil for sealing the natural hair of the moisture you added from your spray bottle, moisturizer or aloe vera juice. In addition, when applied to the ends of your hair it will assist to revive your dry, damaged ends.

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4. Castor Oil

If you want growth then you will use this oil. Castor Oil, when applied to the scalp, improves blood circulation thus nutrients are able to flow to the scalp follicles to encourage growth. It contains triglyceride of fatty acids that fulfil its many purposes. In addition, it is a great sealant as well to prevent breakage and split ends.

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5. Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil has a similar consistency to jojoba. It strengthens the hair follicles because it contains vitamin E. It also aids in reducing dandruff and dry scalp. Finally, it is a great heat protectant if you decide to straighten your hair.

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6. Olive Oil

Another penetrative oil that has a thicker consistency than grapeseed and jojoba but less than castor oil. It is rich in fatty acids that will coat the hair shaft to see the water in. In addition, it is great for reducing frizz and promoting natural sheen.

7. Avocado Oil

Avocado is high in monosaturated fatty acids as well as vitamin A, D, E, B6 and Amino acids. Therefore, it is rich in nutrients to nourish the hair thus reducing breakage, split ends and single strands knots. As well as, promoting growth, sheen and moisture.

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